NOTE: Worship services on December 29 & January 5 will be family services. KIDS’ Club will not meet on these Sundays!
Our worship service begins at 9:15 AM. Worship services include prayer, singing, Scripture reading, testimonies, & a sermon. All ages participate in the first half of our worship service. Keiki are invited to leave for KIDS' Club before the sermon. Our services typically end around 10:40 AM. Please come dressed however you are most comfortable.
There is ample parking on the church property.
UABC has 2 buildings on our property. Our worship center is the building is on the makai side (closest to the ocean) of the parking lot. Please enter the worship center through the door on the front of the building, closest to the road. Before you enter the building, our welcome team will greet you and ask for your name (for our attendance records). You may sit wherever you would like. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, we have a reserved section for you at the front of the worship center.
Babies (ages 0-2) are welcome to stay with you during the service, in worship center. If you would like to leave your baby with our team of caring nursery workers, you make take them upstairs (above the worship center) to the babies' room. If you and your baby need a quiet place to watch the service, you may stay in the babies' room with them. To find the babies' room, walk down the lanai (patio) and into the fellowship hall. Then, take the stairs up to the second floor (we have a ramp on the mauka (parking lot) side of the building, if needed). The babies' classroom is the last classroom on the right. Our babies' classroom is air-conditioned.
Kids (ages 2-12) are an active part of our Sunday morning worship. You will see kids helping lead our KIDS’ Club check-in, serving on the worship team, helping with the offering, and in many other ways. Preschool & elementary keiki participate in the first half of the worship service, and are released to KIDS’ Club just before the sermon. We have three KIDS’ Club classes, one for preschool children, one for lower elementary students (K-3), and one for preteens (4-6).
You will find UABC students serving alongside the rest of our church family on Sunday mornings during the 9:15 AM worship service & KIDS’ Club. We join the rest of our church family for Coffee Connection on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month. Youth Lunch is held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month until noon. Youth Lunch is for students in grades 7-12. During this time, we discuss the sermon text & how we can live out our faith in Jesus in all we do.
An English Conversation Group meets after the worship service in the Fellowship Hall to discuss the sermon & questions about Christianity. If you live on the UH campus and would like a ride to church on Sundays from the East-West Center, or if you have any questions, please contact Meredith at
We would love for you to stay after the worship service and join us for snacks & drinks on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month at Coffee Connection.